MshaherBio ★ مشاهير بايو

مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية قبيلة الوحوش – زوكا

كلمات اغنية قبيلة الوحوش – زوكا مكتوبة


Get your ass up for the Doctor, one more time

Get your ass up for the Doctor, c'mon now

Here we go, cliff hanger, it's another club banger

Got you hangin' on the edge of your seat, get on down

Time's up, game's over, you lose, I win

'Bout to show these knuckleheads how to do this here

Ooh yeah, new year, next phase begin

Look who's got you goin' crazy again

I'm a trend, I set one every time I'm in

I go out and just come back, full circle again

You a fad, that means you somethin' that we already had

But once you're gone, you don't come back

Too bad, you're off the map now, radar can't even find you

We stay on the grind, you slip, we out-grind you

You walk around mad, you let your anger blind you

We walk around just playin' the violin behind you

Enough with all the pissin' and moanin', whinin' and bitchin'

Sit and observe, listen you'll learn if you pay attention

Why ten multi-platinum albums later, three diamond

Worldwide, we on the charts with a bullet, and still climbin'

and still climbin'

and still climbin'


اغاني مشابهة

مساحة إعلانية


مساحة إعلانية