MshaherBio ★ مشاهير بايو

مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية عابد عازرية – المنازلة

كلمات اغنية عابد عازرية – المنازلة مكتوبة

Enkidu thrust himself at Gilgamesh and they fought in the square.

He came up to Gilgamesh and they met.

Enkidu put out his foot to block the door to prevent him from entering.

They grappled each other, holding each other like bulls.

They broke the door posts and the wall.

They sported like bulls locked together.

They shattered the door posts

and the walls shook.

Gilgamesh bent his knee with his foot planted on the ground,

And with a turn, Enkidu was thrown.

Then immediately his fury died.

When Enkidu was thrown, he said to Gilgamesh:

“Yes, there is not another like you in the world,

Ninsun who is as strong as a wild ox in the byre,

Was the mother who bore you.

And now you are raised above all men,

And Enlil has given you the kingship,

For your strength surpasses the strength of men!”

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مساحة إعلانية


مساحة إعلانية