MshaherBio ★ مشاهير بايو

مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية عابد عازرية – أنا من اهوى

كلمات اغنية عابد عازرية – أنا من اهوى مكتوبة

I am the one I love and the one I love is me The mirror reflects the two of us, nothing else

The singer strayed from the truth

He sang of one alone

But we are two spirits dwelling within a single body

You may be wondering about our story

Yet if you saw us.

You’d not be able to distinguish between us For I am the one I love and the one I love is me

If you see him, you see me

And when you see him, you see both of us.

اغاني مشابهة

مساحة إعلانية


مساحة إعلانية