MshaherBio ★ مشاهير بايو

مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية أ + الإنتاج – Memories

كلمات اغنية أ + الإنتاج – Memories مكتوبة

Verse 1 There’s a big scrapbook in a wooden box,

Tied up with a piece of string,

And there inside is the life and times

Of the Coleman family.

Every picture tells a story,

Every word will testify,

To the bravery and courage,

You will laugh and you will cry.

Chorus So here’s to Edith’s Wartime Memories,

The hopes and fears, the joys and tears

Of a people just like you and me.

Verse 2 As the men signed up on the bottom line,

Some to fight and some to stay,

To protect our king and country

From Hitler’s Germany.

And our women slaved in the factories,

And they laboured on the land.

A nation pulled together,

United hand in hand.

Chorus So here’s to….

Verse 3 And to all those kids sent packing,

To a place called ‘far away’,

On a train load full of strangers

On Evacuation day.

And it’s hard now to imagine

How we would cope today,

With the trials and tribulations

Of a wartime family.

Chorus So here’s to…

اغاني مشابهة

مساحة إعلانية


مساحة إعلانية