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مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية أوركسترا الثقافات – روح واحد

كلمات اغنية أوركسترا الثقافات – روح واحد مكتوبة


أصل البشر إنسان كل الرسل اخوان موسى وعيسى ومحمد بيرفضو العدوان وبيرفضو ذلنا ومجدو الإنسان الله هو المحبة الله هو السلام

Durch Menschlichkeit entsteht Menschsein. Alle Propheten sind Brüder.

Mose, Jesus und Mohammad lehnen Feindseligkeit und Demütigung ab.

Ihre Wertschätzung galt den Menschen. Allah ist die Liebe.

Allah ist der Friede.

—All people are equal, all prophets are brothers Moses, Jesus, Mohammed reject hostility. They reject our suffering and the glorify mankind. God is love

God is peace


Be yarenler be kardaşlar Gör neyledi zaman bizi Gözüm yaşını akıttı

Sel eyledi zaman bizi

Kimi baydır kimi fakir Yaradan Mevla‘ya şükür Ne akıl kodu ne fikir Del-eyledi zaman bizi

Can nice ayrılır tenden Ten nice ayrılır candan Ayak ayak nerdüban İn eyledi zaman bizi

Look, friends and brothers

Look what time has done to us It demands many tears

Time has turned us into a flood Some are strong, others are poor Praise be to our creator

Time has robbed us of all reason and of our sanity

Time has made us confused.

Unswervingly, life departs the body Unswervingly, the body departs this life Step by step, little by little,

Time descends through us.

اغاني مشابهة

مساحة إعلانية


مساحة إعلانية