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مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية IZRAA – Starfighter

كلمات اغنية IZRAA – Starfighter مكتوبة

ay yayayayyaaaaaaay
4658El 3omor shu bemor bsor3a

Life goes by so fast / times flies

betlagi 7alak
4658You find yourself

laze2 khabet

Stuck, punched,

AdElt( adult ), kberet

Adult, a grown up

wge3et, feget

You falll, you explode

Staw3abet !

You realize

2ennoooo shiiiiit...

Oh shit!

la7za 2atnafas

Let me take a moment to breath

/( breathe in ) inhale exhale. ( breath out )

Inhale ( breath in )
4658Exhale ( breath out ) - / ( fades out/ away )



Khalas yallah

Enough lets go

4658akhadu shababi,t
4658they took my youth
4658Tayeh, daye3
4658lost, confused
4658Tayha , day3a
4658Loss and confusion
4658ka3de la7ali, bafaker,
4658Wondering by myself, thinking alone


Oh Humans

el mokh bkol makan

Your thoughts are everywhere

// DaWame ba7areb khayali

Lost in a swirl, fighting my shadows

Shu basawi b2a7lami?

Where do I go with my dreams?

She ghareeb?

Something is weird / Is she weird

She Muffeed?

Something useful / Is she worth it?

She something, you never had I tell you that’s sure,
4658that’s akeed!
4658That’s for sure

Shu 2a3mal bi 7ali

What shall I do with myself?

ya Allah kolna men 3ani

Oh God, we are all struggling

Born, left, youth theft
4658Zig, zag Starfighter instead // ba2atel 2awhami

Fighting my illusion
4658Ka2en fada2i
4658Aliant creature
4658Water Element / Aqueos

// bnesh2a, men3anii

We struggle, we suffer,

Bas Menwaze3 tahanii

But we spread joy,

Hayato 2ajaniii,

(The time will come) — ( not sure of this )

Khalini bmakani
4658Let me stay where I am

2atnafass la7ali
4658Breathing alone
4658dawana majaanii
4658Our healing is free
4658Bi 3alam khayali
4658In the world of my imagination
4658// Starfighter ba7areb kayani

Starfighter, fighting the existence

4658Oh waaait, oh wait
4658Lessatni nafs el benet
4658I am still the same girl Starfighter, sky’s the limi2(t)
4658Oh wait , oh wait a minute

Lessatni naaafs el benet

I am still the same girl

4658Balbes ta2iyet ekhfa
4658I wear an invisibility cap

2a7yanan bakhtefe,

Sometimes I disappear

hadi shaghleti

That’s my thing

Badawer 3a malja2i

I seek refugee

badawer ween antami

I seek/look where I belong

Nos 3arabi, nos 2englizi

Half arabic, half English,

4658Tiji metel Ma tiji

No matter how it comes

I though I might skim it Starfighter, sky is the limi2(t)

wait a minute
4658Lessatni naaafs el benet
4658I am still the same girl

Bentek bent nesss
4658Your daughter is from good people //

sa7 mesh ga3de 3ala almass
4658Its true I am not sitting on diamonds

bas shufi kol ha nass
4658But look at all these people
4658kolhen bala 2e7ssaas
4658All are numb, senseless
4658Ana rassi 3alli
4658I keep my head high
4658// Tayha, ( sa7777 )
4658Bas mesh nassye 7alli
4658But didn’t forget who I am

4658Oh waaaait, oh waaittt lessatni nafs el benet
4658I am still the same girl
4658Starfighter, sky is the limit oh wait , oh wait a minute

Lessatni nafs el benet
4658I am still the same girl


Khserna 7alna,

We lost ourselves

men kelme la kelme
4658From one word to another

darat El Denye,
4658Life has changes
4658kolo benadi
4658Everyone is shouting
4658yallah shedi El heme
4658Work harder
4658mesh 3am tesma3ini
4658Can’t you hear me
4658Basarekh ya 2emme
4658I am screaming mother

Tshatatna sho2af
4658We were shredded into pieces

yallah lemme
4658Collect it

/Kolo be3ani

Everyone is struggeling

W bermi ma3ani

But throwing meaningless words

Dayman dumu3
4658Always tearing, crying,

Raje3 rjou3

Going backwards

Da mar style

Destruction style

MA3A YIR muzdawije

Double standards

El malayeeen MOKH TAFIYE

The millions are hidden, disappear

W ana meen

And who am I ?



Ana Meen, Ana Meen, mokhtalife

Who am I? Who am I? Different

Ana Meen, Ana Meen, mokhtalife

Ana Meen, Ana Meen, mokhtalife

4658Oh waaaait, oh waaittt

lessatni nafs el benet
4658Oh wait , oh wait

Lessatni nafs el benet

Starfighter, sky is the limit

oh wait , oh wait a minute

Lessatni nafs el benet

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